The texas chain saw massacre 2
The texas chain saw massacre 2

the texas chain saw massacre 2

In 2004, the location was converted into a popular Johnny Cash-themed honky-tonk bar, the Mean-Eyed Cat. During the filming, this building was an actual chainsaw repair shop. The following morning, Lieutenant Boude 'Lefty' Enright, former Texas Ranger, and uncle of Sally and Franklin. Rick tries shooting Leatherface with his revolver, but Leatherface kills Buzz. Seeking vengeance on the death of his niece and nephew at the hands of Leatherface (Johnson), Lieutenant “Lefty'' Enright (Hopper) shops for an arsenal of chainsaws at a local hardware store. As the two pass a pickup truck, Leatherface emerges from the back of the truck and rips up the roof using his chainsaw. Location: Colorado Pedestrian Bridge (Loop 150 Bastrop, TX 78602) The bridge has since been turned into a pedestrian walkway, after a larger bridge was built next to it. The franchise focuses on the cannibalistic spree killer Leatherface and his family, who terrorize unsuspecting visitors to. On the flatbed of the vehicle, a chainsaw wielding Leatherface (Johnson) refuses to let them drive past, causing the teens to crash. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1983) The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (2023) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an American horror franchise consisting of nine slasher films, comics, and a video game adaptation of the original film. 5/10.Yuppie teenagers Buzz (Kinyon) and Rick (Douridas) have a grisly encounter with a passing truck on the Colorado River Bridge.

the texas chain saw massacre 2

I think that may be the reason I didn't like it as much, I had no idea that it was so different. If you're going to see this, just don't expect anything close to the original. Starring Dennis Hopper as Lefty Enright, the protagonist, Caroline Williams as Stretch, Bill Johnson as Leatherface, and Jim Siedow as. Directed by Tobe Hooper, it is the last film in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre timeline, as the other films take place in separate timelines from 1 and 2. This film is in my opinion the worst sequel of the series. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a 1986 horror sequel to 1974's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

The texas chain saw massacre 2 movie#

Hooper lost what the rest of these films had - the sense of isolation in the Texas country, and the serious, realistic attitude that made the original movie so scary. It doesn't match up with the terrifying original. The powerful, grainy, realistic aura of the original film is completely lost, this film is more of a quirky freak show of the Sawyer family. It's much more comical, and much less serious. The biggest problem that I have with the film though, is that it lost all similarities with the original film, which I consider to be the best horror film of all time. Then it turns out the family's home is a maze of caverns that was formerly a Texas state national park, each tunnel being decorated with lights, furniture, and corpses. It seemed like half the movie is Leatherface and ChopTop chasing this radio host around the radio station, which got old really quick. One reason is because a lot of it was taken place in a radio station, so the isolation and helplessness that all the other films contain is gone. This movie didn't seem like a Texas Chainsaw Massacre film at all, it was just some plain, corny, gory flick. When I saw Tobe Hooper was directing this, I was thinking "Okay, this should be decent, it's the director of the original".

The texas chain saw massacre 2